The recent state of the real estate industry has been categorized by lower inventory and higher pent up buyer demand— all great signs of a successful Spring time turn-around in the Columbus, Ohio market, yet has led buyers into bidding wars over potential purchases in selected cases, but not all. The latest news on the inventory front is showing that we may be headed out of this area and into a market with more inventory as sellers gain confidence and/or the ability to sell for a price higher than they initially thought possible given the suppressed long-term market.

Confidence is rising on both sides of the deal as both Columbus, OH buyers and sellers put faith in their local real estate market. More sellers are beginning to list their homes and in turn, inventory levels are rising. This is great news for Columbus area homebuyers as they will now have more properties to choose from in their quest to purchase a home and will experience bidding wars less frequently. Because of these impending changes to the market, homebuyers should take note that now is the time to jump into the search for their Ohio dream home.

Ready to take advantage of the growing inventory and learn the secrets of industry insiders? Download our free e-book on Buying a Home Like a Pro and sign up for our newsletter!

Andrew Show
Buyer’s Resource Realty Services
Serving Metro Columbus, Ohio with Exclusive Buyer’s Agents
7100 North High Street, Suite 204, Worthington, Ohio 43085
614-888-4110 | 888-888-4110 Toll Free | 614-839-4110 Fax 
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