Columbus real estateMike and Mary Louise Metzger of National Home Inspection Service advised us that not all smoke alarms are created equal, and understanding the difference can save your life. We are passing their information along, and we’ve included some research of our own. We strongly encourage all Columbus residents to make home safety a top priority, whether you own or rent your home.

While smoke alarms are fairly inexpensive and ubiquitous, the presence of an operating smoke alarm does not always prevent tragedy. A fact of modern life is that home furnishings, such as couches, easy chairs and mattresses, are more flammable today than they were a few decades ago, due to the composition of materials.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology estimates that today’s “escape time” from a flaming fire, from the time of alarm, to the buildup of untenable heat, smoke, and toxic fumes, may be as little as 3 minutes. Having operational smoke alarms in the home is absolutely critical.

Smoke alarms are designed to detect fires in different ways, which affects how they are triggered, and how soon they go off. Naturally, you want the fastest possible detection time, but this performance depends on the type of fire, and the type of alarm.

Ionization smoke alarms are found in the majority of American homes where smoke alarms are present. These alarms use “ions,” or electrically charged particles, to detect smoke. They are inexpensive, which helps make it feasible to install them throughout the home. These alarms typically respond fastest to flaming fires.

Ionization smoke alarms are also sensitive to cooking heat and fumes, and depending on placement, have a propensity to give alarm to cooking and candle smoke. This can cause “nuisance alarms” that frustrate home occupants, who are then tempted to remove batteries or tape over sensors. Never defeat an alarm’s operation, even temporarily. It’s best to reposition it away from the immediate cooking area.

Photoelectric smoke alarms use a light beam to detect smoke. They are especially effective at detecting smoldering fires that produce gases and heavy smoke, but little flame. They detect these types of fires about 30 minutes faster than an ionization alarm. This is important, as fire victims may be overcome by smoke and toxic fumes long before an ionization alarm would be triggered. This has led to controversy about the “best” type of smoke alarm, and whether or not ionization alarms are sufficient by themselves.

The National Fire Protection Association recommends that both Ionization and Photoelectric smoke detectors be installed in the home. This extra measure of protection is well worth the small investment in additional smoke detectors. Smoke detectors should be present in every level of the home, including attics and basements. Combination alarms do exist, but they may not have the same level of sensitivity as separate alarms.

Your home should also have a carbon monoxide detector. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous, odorless gas that can be produced by furnaces, fireplaces, cooking devices, or just about anything that burns fuel, including the car in your garage. Follow the tips on the National Fire Protection Association website to properly install and test your carbon monoxide detector. There are also combo alarms that detect carbon monoxide and natural gas leaks.

We sincerely care about your safety, and we hope you find these facts helpful! And when you are ready to buy a home in metro Columbus, we will be here to protect your interests.

As your Exclusive Buyer’s Broker, we serve your best interests at all times. Unlike real estate agents and brokerages who represent sellers, as an Exclusive Buyer’s Broker, we only represent you, the buyer, getting you the best price and terms with no conflict of interest at all times.

Understanding this distinction could literally save you thousands of dollars not only on the purchase price and terms, but also on seller concessions and home inspection issues, whether you are a first-time homebuyer or an experienced homeowner!

Contact us with your home buying questions! Remember, we are with you every step of the way…all the way home!

Have a safe and happy New Year!

Andrew Show
Buyer’s Resource Realty Services
Serving Metro Columbus, Ohio with Exclusive Buyer’s Agents
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