One of the questions that I hear most often as an Exclusive Buyer’s Broker is whether or not it’s the right time to buy a home. People ask this question in both a generic and personal context. I think it’s interesting because they look to me to answer this question on their behalf, but in reality the choice is theirs. Only you can decide what the right move is for you, and if you have a family then for them as well.

What I can do is remind you what to consider as you go about making this decision. The Columbus real estate market hasn’t been easy to navigate over the past few years, beginning back in 2004-05. And yes, there are a number of national and local economic factors to consider. You also have to remember, however, that there is so much more to deciding whether or not to buy a home than statistics.

Keep these three phrases in your head as you go about making your decision, and I can pretty much guarantee that the right answer will come:

I can’t change certain things. The Central Ohio economy is getting better than it has been in past years, but the recovery is incredibly slow. Things still aren’t where they need to be for many buyers in this market. Lending restrictions are still incredibly tight. They should factor in to your decision, but you shouldn’t let them frustrate you because there’s nothing that you can do about them.

If I can change something, I need to do so sooner rather than later. When it comes to buying a home, you need to remember that it’s important to take advantage of every opportunity and make yourself look as appealing as possible to sellers and lenders. If your finances aren’t in order, now is the time to start rectifying your mistakes and getting your credit score back up. We have resources that can help you in raising your credit score! If you start taking proactive steps to have a successful and logical transaction for your family, then you’ll be able to proceed and move forward with your Columbus home search sooner.

Know the difference between what you can and cannot change. Once you figure out what you can and can’t change, you need to decide whether you’re going to let what you can’t change hold you back. How urgent is it for you to move forward? Are you willing to put what you want on hold until things “get better” economically? For some families, this does make sense, but for others, it’s more important for them to move forward sooner. You need to base your decision on what’s best for you, not on national numbers and statistics.

Once you make your decision about whether or not you’d like to start your home search, you’ll feel much more comfortable about going to your Exclusive Buyer’s Agent to get started. Whether you want to hold off for a year or two or proceed full-speed ahead, the right Exclusive Buyer’s Broker will be your best choice to help you with your housing needs.

If you have any questions about how to start your Columbus home search, don’t hesitate to contact me and ask! You can also download our free e-Book for savvy home buyers for additional guidance. I’d be happy to help you. I hope to hear from you soon!

Andrew Show
Buyer’s Resource Realty Services
Serving Metro Columbus, Ohio with Exclusive Buyer’s Agents
7100 North High Street, Suite 204, Worthington, Ohio 43085
614-888-4110 | 888-888-4110 Toll Free | 614-839-4110 Fax

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